How To Make Sure The Buyer Is Pre-qualified to Buy Your Calgary Home…
This will be a much shorter info than some of the others, but is absolutely critical.
If you find a Buyer that is looking to put in an offer for your home it is absolutely crucial that you make sure they are “Qualified” to do so….
The Buyer will fall under 1 of 2 Options…. They will be paying Cash or they will be needing to obtain a Loan… either way you need proof.
If paying cash, ask for “Proof of Funds”, this can be a Bank Statement, tell them they can black out their account numbers, but you want to see their Bank Name, Their Name and The Total Amount of Funds in The Account. If they are not willing to provide that, that can be a big “Red Flag”....
If obtaining a loan, ask for a “Prequalification Letter” from their Lender. This document will show the loan type and loan amount they qualify for. I also recommend, once you have the document, that you personally call the Lender and verify that they are truly qualified.
Whichever route they are going, I would get this documentation before signing any offers.
Let me know if you have any questions or need anything! Have an amazing day!
Your Realtor Denis Hrstic